A Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te whose originally born in Limsa Lominsa along with her brother, Aimilios. Their mother, Xylias, raised them to always have each other while their father, Armaldo taught them at a very young age that one of the deadliest weapons a person can defend themselves with.. is their fists.


Along her journey around Eorzea, she frequently pauses to enjoy the scenery, whipping out a specifically made device (that closely resembles tomestones) to capture the beauty surrounding her. This also applies to the friends she made, the houses she came across, and the love she found.📌 2022 Update: I'm no longer taking any photoshoots due to IRL being busy. If you do have any questions regarding Gpose or how I've got some shots set up - feel free to reach out and DM @arsibraffxiv on Twitter (but please don't open with just "hey" as I won't respond to only that) ♥


📸 PHOTOSHOOTS ( Close-Ups, action, photo studio, etc. )



  • Age: 28

  • Birthday: 21st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon

  • Height: 5'3"

  • Worship: Azeyma the Warden

  • Main Occupation: Traveling Mercenary

  • Side Occupations: Traveling Photographer/Glamour Enthusiast

  • Sexuality: Lesbian

  • Relationship: Single; Not looking

  • Physical Traits: No makeup, amber eyes, sun-kissed skin, black hair with milloncorn yellow highlights, both cheeks have 5 triangular face marks, and 5 scars: both cheeks, nose bridge, right eye, and bottom lip.

  • Personality: Tomboy, playful, observer, ambivert, selfless, and crazy in combat.

  • Loves: Sunrises/sunsets, warm weather, saunas, giving hugs, whiskey, salmon, caramel, dancing, and challenges.

  • Dislikes: Staying still, untrustworthy people, wearing dresses in public, cold & snowy areas.

  • Hobbies: Hanging out with friends at the Free Company house, going on hunts, taking pictures, bringing home new furnishing, morning workouts on the training dummy, fishing, and is frequently seen testing her strength in The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos.

backstory [reworking]


backstory [reworking]

Arsibra and her Hrothgar brother, Yabin, were raised in the comfort of her loving mother and headstrong father in Southern Thanalan. But first of all, how did the parents meet?

Colonel Therion, a Hrothgar, roamed the seas as a traveling mercenary, helping those in need while relying heavily on his treasured gunblade as his weapon of choice. Xylia, a Sun Miqo’te, was a bard and an herbalist, raised in the woods of Gridania.

It was a day that’s been put off ever since Xylia took up research to make some sort of special medicine. She required certain plants that can only be obtained from Southern Thanalan, away from her safe territory. With determination, preparations were made for her journey across the Ul’dahn sands. Seeing a small camp in the middle of the desert, she found the plants nearby that were needed to complete her concoction. Taking a moment to gain enough samples, she knelt down, emptied her satchel with all of her tools, and got to work. Unbeknownst to her.. a large runaway (tamed) & obviously hungry drake spots Xylia, gunning its way over to satisfy its increasing hunger. Colonel (taking a break from his mission at the camp at the time) witnesses the predatory attack from afar and rushes out without his gunblade. Realizing his mistake halfway, he stops in fear of being helpless without his gunblade, his form of power. He panics before taking a meditative deep breath, steeling himself on a hasty decision. He resumes and sprints. As he draws close, he musters all of his strength into his fist and delivers a blow to the side of the drake’s skull, successfully bashing its head and breaking its horns. Rendering the beast completely dead, the Hrothgar’s knuckles were painted in red followed by deep cuts due to the drake’s horns. Xylia, both in disbelief from the drake’s advances and amazed by the immense strength of the Hrothgar, her ears lowered and with a nervous, heartfelt smile, she musters out a small “Thank you,” before tending to the Colonel’s wounds.

Colonel Therion was raised in Limsa Lominsa and became a traveling mercenary of the Maelstrom Grand Company, but later retired to help raise his children with his wife. He would often bring both Yabin & Arsi to the Limsa Lominsa markets to teach them the tools & trades of marketing & bartering.. in a polite manner, of course. Even showing them the training barracks of his Grand Company, using the space to teach them both hand-to-hand combat. At night, they would watch people from the sidelines, looking at the unique gear & weapons travelers adorned on themselves. Arsi was astonished with how busy Limsa was, especially a place surrounded by water. She loved feeling the fresh air, the sea breeze, and witnessing all kinds of visitors from Eorzea come together to collaborate.

In contrast to the sea and busyness of Limsa, Arsi’s mother was more grounded. She specifically took Arsi to the Shrouds to let her explore the woods at her own leisure, to show her the calmness of nature and to take shelter when they would see the wrath of it during thunderstorms. With days like those, she would use her harp to play soothing songs for her little girl. Arsi had the best of both from her parents contrasting backgrounds, she gradually fell in love with the thought of traveling, wanting to see more of the world. To appreciate it more. She desired to be out most of the time, but mainly stayed in the comfort of her loving home.

Her older brother on the other hand always pushed her to be better. As she approached her teenage years, she and her brother paid a visit to Ul’dah to seek out the Pugilist Guild to further improve on their hand-to-hand combat. To help themselves with gear and materials, they both enrolled into the Immortal Flames Grand Company to gain access to whatever they could at their starting rank. From there, both of them actively competed against one another with Yabin having the upperhand in signing up for coliseum fights due to his age. In turn, Arsi would get picked on from the other trainees for her petite appearance. Often getting underestimated, she felt she had to put forth extra training to prove her worth. Even coming back home, both of them had a strong desire to dish out their newly found techniques on each other. The fights lessened, however, after Yabin unintentionally striked Arsi on the nose the second their initial spar was over, leaving a scar in its stead. The perks of having an herbalist as a mother was pleasant in that situation, but the scolding that came afterwards were anything but less.

At the age of eighteen, her mother gifted Arsi her own horn earrings. Earrings that were made from the horns of the drake that her father slain. As Arsi opens her gift with a pondered expression on her face, she looks up to her mother - clearly ready to explain the meaning of the present. “You’re old enough now to understand. With this, may it remind you that your strength comes from within yourself. You’ve seen weapons others carry around, but remember they are a bonus. Your fists.. and your wits,” Xylia pokes at Arsi’s forehead, ”can punch through even the toughest of defenses. Even if you feel powerless, attempt. Hesitation is far worse when it’s someone’s life on the line.” She smiles, gently petting the top of her head with a sad expression etching onto her face as she watches her daughter enamored by the small, intricate designs on the earrings. ‘I can sense my time is nearing. Soon. You’ve got to take care of yourself and you need to be out to live your life.’ As if her thoughts were spoken aloud, Arsi looks back up at her mother with a puzzled look. Xylia musters a bit of her strength to form a smile, “When you see someone in need of help or in need of company, do me a favor and be there for them? You may even find someone you’ll cherish along the way.” Arsi enthusiastically nods and hugs her mother, thanking her for the present.

A week later, clouds were looming over Southern Thanalan. Rarely are they ever present, but on this day - Xylia was completely bedridden. Sweating, chills, a fever, and most of all - her aether was dangerously low. Arsi, Yabin, and their father were all doing their best to serve her in any way that would help comfort her. As the end of the week came to its end, so did she. Her aether was no more and she passed. There was no indication of any illness, but it was just her time to go.

Feeling the grief settling in, Arsi dove into her pugilism training. Since she was of age, she signed up for Ul’dah’s coliseum fights on a daily basis. Each time, she would come home in bruises. Battered and emotionally drained. Both her father and older brother had their own way to deal with Xylia’s passing. Her father took himself to the seas once more, busying himself by aiding Limsa Lominsa with its trading, all the while still sending letters to see how his kids are doing. Her older brother took up hunts from the Grand Company’s bounty board, gaining reputation, and going up in ranks. He would often come home to his broken sister, tending to her bruises with the little knowledge he has with herbalism.

After months of ongoing fights, fed up one night while treating her newly acquired scar - Yabin broke the silence, “Sis, you know you’re going to get yourself killed one of these days if you keep up what you’re doing.” The miqo’te remained silent with dull eyes, staring at a crack on the floor. “I’m fine. I’ve been winning--” “Blindly running yourself into a wall over and over isn’t going to make you stronger!” Yabin snarled at her. “Eventually you’ll wear yourself down and someone immensely stronger than you is going to fucking demolish you into the ground if you keep this shit up.” With an intense stare and with a grave tone in his voice, “The only thing you’re winning is a faster trip to your funeral. We just lost mother, don’t be the second in the family to go too.” With her brother’s words piercing through, the Hrothgar gently placed a hand onto her shoulder, “Tomorrow, we’re going to see my mentor, Hamon. He’ll set you on the path that you need, trust me.” With that, the Miqo’te nodded. From meeting Hamon - she regained her sense of humility back, she practiced each day for three years to follow through on her mother’s favor: to help those in need and to be there for others who are in need of company without hesitation. If Arsi couldn’t figure out how to help, she’ll do her best to attempt with her wits first and fists second.

By the time she was twenty-one, she became more cunning with enemies and more wiser from learning how to utilize aether to unleash the chakra within herself. So, she decided it was time for her to move on and to switch grand companies from the Immortal Flames to Maelstrom, to not only follow in her father’s footsteps as a traveling mercenary, but to hopefully run into him along the way.

She researched places enriched with aether, hoping the intensity of these areas would help hone her skills as a fully-fledged monk. She trained day in and day out mainly in Mor Dhona, Sea of Clouds, and in the Forbidden Lands of Eureka. She even would say that she earned herself her third battle scar from a sleeping dragon in Pagos. With the amount of gil and gear she earned from Eureka, Arsi fashioned herself in black & yellow. Even sporting millioncorn highlights that she actively applies daily. The Miqo’te took advantage of her petite stature and polished on her speed, which became on par with the speed of a greased lightning to the point some unlucky fella who unfortunately landed on her blacklist said, “Did I fucking get punched from a bee?” while waking up the next morning. Her punches definitely did more than a "sting like a bee."

As the years went by, she joined a Free Company associated with Maelstrom at the time and took up several hobbies: fishing (to get her own meals), dancing at clubs on the weekends after long days of mercenary work, coming up with more outfits.. she found out you can look great while beating up enemies, and most of all - photography, to capture the candid moments of the friends she met along the way. Considering she traveled to all sorts of places as a mercenary, photography certainly did help her cope with her mother’s passing.

Even at her later twenties, she often had solemn days of remembering her mother as she would find herself back at the inn listening to the orchestrion rolls she gathered (rewards from the helpful deeds she completed and from her travels) to help soothe her broken heart. She promised herself she would be as kind-hearted and gentle to whoever she meets just as her mother was.

As time went on, she finds herself gradually becoming easy going with interactions, a tomboy most of the time, vulnerable with those she trusts, playful with friends, addicted to challenges, and pretty suave to everyone she encounters.


Below are my links to my glamours on Eorzea Collection, Twitter, and Ko-Fi for poses!